Monday, June 15, 2015

Hanging Around

Thank you to everyone for the kind words and well-wishes.  I'm feeling better already and go back to Dr. Lacour tomorrow for a check-up.  Lately we've just been hanging around the house, catching up on all our shows.  We watched Orange Is The New Black and the season finale of Game of Thrones (OMG!) and last night my saint of a boyfriend ran me a bubble bath.
Are you like me, someone who loves baths, but never takes a fricken bath?  Well, do yourself a favor and go to your tub right now and turn on the water.  Don't think, just do it and you won't be sorry.

Back to R&R for me!  Later!


  1. Angel Aaron!!! Thank you for taking care of our girl! So happy you are feeling better. Eat fresh fruit and veg.

  2. Happy to hear you're doing better! Hugs to you!
